Uomini Onesti

An Ros will show her private collection of African contemporary art and artefacts in Postignano, Italy, from 6 – 9 September 2018. An exclusive event that is absolutely worth the detour. Castello di Postignano is a marvellous medieval fortified village in the heart of Umbria (https://castellodipostignano.it).

An Ros’ art exhibition “Uomini onesti” is part of the summer festival “La vita è bella” in Castello di Postignano. A group of artists – all of them from Burkina Faso in West Africa – show us their way of looking at life. Their paintings transport the essential and optimistic message that life is beautiful. “Uomini onesti” is the literal translation of Burkina Faso. It is also an artistic counterpoint to contemporary quackery and “ciarlatane”.

An Ros
+32 (0) 4 78 33 20 00